Removal of Fluorinated Training, Proportioning & Calibration Foam

The European Commission (EC) recommends immediate withdrawal of use of fluorinated foams for training, calibration and proportioning.
As detailed in our Update Summary page, the EC is banning the use of fluorinated foams for:
- training, calibration and proportioning.
- use by public fire services (brigades), with the exception of their intervention at Seveso III sites (under Directive 2012/18/EU).
This legislation comes into force on 10th April 2026 but it is recommended it is implemented as soon as possible.
Aberdeen Foam can offer its customers a range of fluorine free foams for both training and proportioning purposes:
Fluorine Free Training & Calibration Foams |
1% Training Foam
3% Training Foam
Induction Foam
Fluorine Free Training & Calibration Foam |
Fluorine Free Training & Calibration Foam |
Fluorine Free System Calibration Foam |