Video series: "The Burning Question"

The Burning Question
A series of videos designed to keep you up to date with the current regulations and issues around firefighting foams.
The series features internationally renowned consultant Mike Willson. Mike is a sought-after expert with a specialism in firefighting foam and foam system applications, developments, capabilities, and environmental impacts.
To watch the individual videos, please use the links below:
1. An Introduction to Firefighting Foams
2. Are Oil Technics C6 Firefighting Foams compliant with the latest regulations?
3. Do I have to change from AFFF-C6 to Fluorine Free Foams now?
4. What do I need to do to change to Fluorine Free Foams?
5. A Guide for Offshore, COMAH and SEVERSO III sites
5. Understanding UK & EU Regulations
6. Transitioning to Fluorine Free Foams: The Pros & Cons