A selection of videos which you might find useful or interesting.
If you come across any which you think other visitors might like to view, please do let us know!
The Burning Question
A series of videos designed to keep you up to date with the current regulations and issues around fire-fighting foams.
The series features internationally renowned consultant Mike Willson. Mike is a sought-after expert with a specialism in firefighting foam and foam system applications, developments, capabilities, and environmental impacts.
To watch the individual videos, please use the links below:
1. An Introduction to Firefighting Foams
2. Are Oil Technics C6 Firefighting Foams compliant with the latest regulations?
3. Do I have to change from AFFF-C6 to Fluorine Free Foams now?
4. What do I need to do to change to Fluorine Free Foams?
5. A Guide for Offshore, COMAH and SEVERSO III sites
5. Understanding UK & EU Regulations
6. Transitioning to Fluorine Free Foams: The Pros & Cons
UL 162 Fire Test - 1% AFFF C6
AFFF vs Fluorine Free Foam
Angus Tridol C6 AFFF vs Fluorine Free Foam, tested to ICAO Level B and EN1568-3: 2008 (by Angus Fire)
Flammable Fire Fighting Foam!
This lab work demonstrates that Fluorine Free Foams (F3) become flammable when contaminated with fuel, whereas film-forming AFFF foams do not. (by Dynax)
Demystifying LNG
Detailed explanation of the use of Angus Fire's Turbex High Expansion foam generators for the control and suppression of LNG releases (by Angus Fire)
Note: Oil Technics (Fire Fighting Products) Ltd cannot be held responsible for any contents or links included on external websites.